Walker Hall

A Building for the Present & Future

Willard J. Walker Hall is designed to accommodate both recent and future growth anticipated at the Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. The building showcases state-of-the-art teaching classrooms and student learning spaces, teaming rooms, spaces for industry partnering, and a trading room. Walker Hall takes advantage of its hillside location to project a contemporary image visible from downtown Fayetteville. It presents itself as a solid mass with a series of protruding glass boxes that express key interior spaces.

  • Client: University of Arkansas

    Location: Fayette

    Year: 2005-2007

    Status: Built


Structure & Hierarchy

Inside, four architectural staircases connecting the five floors lead one through a succession of double-height spaces that are nodes for the primary programmatic elements of the building. Red, ochre, and gray stained concrete floors visually define a hierarchy of plazas, avenues, and streets.


Vertical Organization

The vertical organization of the program promotes connections between undergraduates, graduate students, and the various research centers. The largest of these double-height volumes is the forum, which links together Shollmier Plaza, café seating areas, a 150-seat auditorium and the trading center. Other double-height spaces are adjacent to undergraduate classrooms, research center meeting rooms, and a graduate reading resource room. Walker Hall, along with the adjacent Center for Academic Excellence building, frames a new academic quadrangle. The strong massing, materials, and landscape tie together the previously undefined campus precinct.


“I am pleased to say that we have delivered on the promise of the building’s vision to facilitate the creation of business knowledge and serve as a connecting point among faculty, students and the business world.”

- David Hyatt, Assistant Dean for Finance and Administration at the University of Arkansas



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