Vienna ICV

An Urban Ensemble

Machado Silvetti's entry in this international design competition addressed the needs of a modern state, the expectations of an urban transformation and the functional, symbolic and financial needs that the owners—Eislaufverein, a hotel and residences—will have. An urban ensemble of large, freestanding buildings (museums, palaces and churches) and the surrounding public spaces (parks, gardens and streets) characterizes the Ringstrasse and the area in front of the former city walls. The new parcel is situated within this context.

  • Client: Confidential

    Location: Vienna, Austria

    Year: 2013

    Status: Unbuilt


Maintaining the Existing Urban Character

The project is an urban ensemble composed of object-like buildings and public zones. The concept is to maintain the existing urban character that is linked to the optimization of pedestrian traffic from Vienna Eislaufverein, the hotel and residences. Through the clear understanding of building purpose, the respective identity the three institutions may remain in the foreground.


An urban ensemble of large, freestanding buildings (museums, palaces and churches) and the surrounding public spaces (parks, gardens and streets) characterizes the Ringstrasse and the area in front of the former city walls.



Tun Razak Exchange


The Wellin Museum of Art